Fundamental Standards

The EQuIP standards address the care delivery, support, corporate, and environmental functions of all healthcare operations.

Our Six

GHQIA provides access to the ACHS International quality assessment and improvement program, known as Evaluation and Quality Improvement Program (EQuIP). The EQuIP standards address the care delivery, support, corporate, and environmental functions of all healthcare operations. Developed in consultation with industry stakeholders and the community, our standards are accredited by the ISQua External Evaluation Association (IEEA) and are constantly reviewed by experts to ensure that they are achievable, remain current, and continue to reflect best practices and evidence.

Patient Care

Access & Continuity of Care
Effective Care
Patient Focus

Care Services

Health Records
Medication Management
Infection Control

Performance Improvement

Quality Improvement & Risk Management
Incident Management
Continuous Care Planning & Improvement

Corporate Management Systems

Access & Continuity of Care
Clinical & Corporate Management
Strategic & Operational Planning
Information Systems & Vendor / Partner Management

Workforce Systems

Leadership, Process & Policy
Safe Practice & Environment

Safe Environment

Safety Management
Waste Management
Emergency & Disaster Management


of Innovation

Each standard comprises a series of criteria and elements arranged under graded ratings that reflect the increasing maturity of an organisation’s quality improvement activities. Providers can also earn a badge of innovation in the GHQIA membership standing by demonstrating that they adopt new techniques and technologies to improve clinical and non-clinical outcomes.

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